Leadership | Diversity | Inclusion

Speeches from the CEDA stage 2018

This collection features the most influential and interesting speeches from the CEDA platform throughout the year.


This year's collection features:

Jean-Sebastien Jacques, Chief Executive, Rio Tinto 
Business-to-people: A new era

The Hon. Scott Morrison, Prime Minister (then Treasurer) of Australia
Building resilience through a stronger economy

The Hon. Bill Shorten, Leader of the Opposition
Growth and fairness can go together

Melinda Cilento, Chief Executive, CEDA
Connecting people with progress

 Jarrod Ball
, Chief Economist, CEDA
What’s the true story on inequality in Australia?

Philip Lowe, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia
Trust and prosperity

Mark Howden, Director, Climate Change Institute, Australian National University
The IPCC 1.5 Degrees report: implications for Australia

Kathryn Fagg, President, Chief Executive Women
The leadership shadow: gender equality during a time of backlash

Peter Chamley, Australasia Chair, ARUP
City competitiveness and the Indo-Pacific opportunity

Karen Chester, Deputy Chair, Productivity Commission
A workforce fit for the future?


Watch speeches here:




See CEDA's collection of special edition publications:

Top 10 Speeches: Prime Ministers on the CEDA stageCEDA's Top 10 Speeches: Energy policy 2007-17
CEDA's Top 10 Speeches: Disruption and innovation 2011-2016CEDA's Top 10 Speeches: Women in Leadership 2010-2015



See the collection of CEDA's Top 10 Speeches:


Top 10 Speeches 2017CEDA's Top 10 Speeches 2016CEDA's Top 10 Speeches 2015
CEDA's Top 10 Speeches 2014CEDA's Top 10 Speeches 2013CEDA's Top 10 Speeches 2012