PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
The spotlight on innovation is welcomed by the arts sector, Australian Council of the Arts Chair Rupert Myer AO has told a CEDA audience in Adelaide.
“We are keen to see the policy unfold to recognise the critical interface between science and the arts linked as they are by the common thread of activity and invention,” he said.
Mr Myer said innovation “is important to every sector of the economy and every part of our social fabric.”
“Innovation is commonly perceived as a technology driven phenomenon, it is in fact present in all forms of human endeavour be that in science, medicine, social development, the environment and the arts,” he said.
On the ideas boom, Mr Myer said for the nation to capitalise on opportunities the concept of innovation needs to be broadened.
“We need to deepen and widen our concept of innovation to seek convergence between scientific, technological and societal imperatives in pursuit of an innovation ecology that will continue to shape both our future prosperity and our identity in a challenging and dynamic world,” he said.
Also speaking at the event, Adelaide Festival of the Arts Joint Artistic Director, Rachel Healy said innovation is not only about new technologies, it is about how governments and artists work together.
“Innovation is the space where everyone in government and business can participate,” she said.
On the topic of innovation in the arts, Art Gallery of South Australia Director, Nick Mitzevich said individuals are important.
“Innovation doesn’t happen through committees or governments, innovation happens because of passionate individuals that are very much committed to art and sharing it because it’s the most important element that will define society,” he said.
Mr Mitzevich said people’s engagement with art and interaction is also important as more people want to be active not passive when visiting the gallery.
“Creating experiences where people can interact, blurring the line between education and recreation, they’re strategies that seem to resonate with an audience,” he said.
Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Managing Director Vincent Ciccarello said innovation cannot be confined to just the intersection between science and business.
“There is a need in the arts certainly in the culture sector broadly for us to apply innovation across every aspect of business,” he said.
“Above all it’s about collaboration, listening as well as speaking.”
On the topic of Australia’s international relations, Adelaide Festival Centre Chief Executive Officer and Artistic Director, Douglas Gautier AM said cultural engagement is key to South Australia’s engagement with Asia.
“Our Premier is an internationalist, he understands the value of cultural exchange externally and the importance of the multicultural mix at home,” he said.
Mr Gautier said creating a world class arts academy in Adelaide is key to the city’s future.
“In my view it is time for this city to create the best creative arts academy in this country,” he said
“We have all the essential elements but they are in different tertiary institutions across the city.”
Mr Gautier said these institutions can come together and create a single, great arts academy.
Read highlights from CEDA’s PIT Forum 2020 with KPMG, Strategy, Growth and Digital, Associate Director, Rossana Bianchi, G4S Australia and New Zealand, Managing Director, Joe Sofra, and Governance Institute of Australia, General Manager, Policy and Advocacy, Catherine Maxwell, who unpacked the implications of recent tech trends, the experience of rapid digitisation through COVID-19 and what this has meant for how we think of and manage risk.
Read more Technology | Innovation December 7, 2017We’re now in what’s been calculated as a US$1.6 trillion per annum global innovation race, where the rate of investment in new technologies is increasing every year, Innovation and Science Australia Chair, Bill Ferris AC said at the CEDA New South Wales innovation and disruption event.
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