In 2013, Australia moved further down the world competitiveness rankings from 15 to 16. The World Competitiveness Yearbook surveys 60 countries on over 300 individual criteria rankings grouped into four competitiveness factors.
In 2013, Australia slipped further down the IMD's world competitiveness rankings to 16.
One reason for this is that Australia's labour productivity growth ranking has slipped from 26 to 51, of the 60 countries surveyed.
Read results - Australian results
Read media release - Australia’s competitiveness ranking steadies, but economy viewed poorly
Read opinion piece - Australia's competitiveness: Perception and reality
The World Competitiveness Yearbook survey has over 300 individual criteria rankings grouped into four competitiveness factors:
The World Competitiveness Yearbook is produced by the Switzerland based IMD World Competitiveness Center with the help of CEDA in Australia and other international partners.
The IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook compares and ranks 60 countries on business competiveness criteria and is the world's most renowned and comprehensive annual report on the competitiveness of nations.
In the WCY 2010, Australia moved to 5th place of the 58 nations included in the study, after ranking 7th for the previous two years.
Read more International affairs May 26, 2015Australia has dropped another place in world competitiveness rankings, falling further in economic performance and government efficiency rankings, raising concerns about our competitiveness as a smart economy.
Read more International affairs October 30, 2009This big-picture CEDA research collection looks at Australia's place in the globalising world economy of the early 21st century. One key conclusion: distance is not dead as a challenge for Australia.
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