PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
A list of the Top 100 Big Issues as ranked by CEDA's trustees in 2007.
The following are the full Top 100 issues as decided by a survey of 291 CEDA trustees and nine CEDA senior staff.
Rank |
Issue |
Environment |
Description |
Source: CEDA Big Issues survey 2007 | |||
1 |
Water |
National Resources |
Water - including rainfall, run-off, location, impact of El Nino, pollution, storage of water resources, usage (e.g. agriculture, industry, households) |
2 |
Economy |
World |
Economy - including size and growth prospects in global, regional and national economies, inflationary pressures, savings levels |
3 |
People |
World |
People - including population growth, ageing, poverty, income & wealth polarisation, emigration/immigration patterns |
4 |
Ecology |
World |
Ecology - including environmentalism, global warming, water resources, carbon trading, ocean resources & depletion, forests & deforestation |
5 |
World Trade |
World |
Trade - including trade liberalisation, WTO, export growth, type of trade in goods & services, booms & busts (esp. commodities) |
6 |
Labour Skills |
National Resources |
Labour Skills - including educational attainment levels, continuous training, workforce flexibility, industrial relations |
7 |
Energy |
National Resources |
Energy - including quantity, type & cleanness of energy mix, peak power usage capability, competition & pricing |
8 |
Productivity |
Economy |
Productivity - including overall, by industry, lagging industries, methods of improvement |
9 |
Workforce |
Labour |
Workforce - including size, growth, distribution, participation rate, shortages |
10 |
Priorities |
Government |
Priorities - including long range priorities such as ageing, health, education, defence, workplace relations |
11 |
Health |
Government |
Health - including cost of healthcare and distribution of payment responsibilities, PBS scheme |
12 |
Growth |
Industry |
Growth - including development of new age & emerging industries (e.g. biotech, nanotechnology, service industries) |
13 |
Minerals |
National Resources |
Minerals - including fuel reserves (e.g. oil, gas, coal, uranium), ore reserves (e.g. iron, bauxite, nickel), native rights |
14 |
Our Region |
World |
Our Region - including Asia Pacific & sub-regions (e.g. South-East Asia), size & growth of region's nations, trade, capital flows, alliances & pacts |
15 |
Labour |
World |
Labour - including employment & unemployment levels, comparative wage rates & conditions, trends to contractualism |
16 |
Transport |
National Resources |
Transport - including state of road, rail, air and water infrastructure, type of ownership, competition, productivity & safety |
17 |
Investment |
Economy |
Investment - including capital expenditure growth & disposition, by type & ownership |
18 |
Governance |
Enterprise |
Governance - including ethical behaviour of directors, executives & employees, triple bottom line type assessments |
19 |
Communications |
National Resources |
Communications - including broadband connectivity, speed, mobile phone density, industry competition |
20 |
Agriculture |
National Resources |
Agriculture - including arable land (with water certainty), salination & degradation issues, crop suitability for land |
21 |
Export |
Markets |
Export - including mix of exports (growth & non growth), destination (e.g. regions, countries), terms of trade |
22 |
Ecology Issues |
National Resources |
Ecology - including environmental protection & integrity (e.g. air, water, land, flora, fauna), remediation (e.g. salination, water pollution) |
23 |
Finance |
World |
Finance - including global equity & debt flows, derivatives (e.g. hedge funds), stock markets, private funds, interest rates, exchange rates |
24 |
Key Industries |
Industry |
Key industries - identification of key industries, which change over time, for analysis & policy making |
25 |
Australian Trade |
Economy |
Australian trade - including exports & imports by trade, destination, source |
26 |
Economy |
GDP - including size, growth, components, contribution by region |
27 |
Industry |
World's Best Practice - including knowledge & emulation of world's best practice across industry divisions |
28 |
Interest Rates |
Finance |
Interest rates - including interest rates across various capital instruments |
29 |
Accountability |
Government |
Accountability - including governments', ministers', public servants' responsibility for their actions, transparency |
30 |
Profitability |
Enterprise |
Profitability - including meeting world's best practice of 4 times the bond rate as a return on shareholders funds |
31 |
Industry mix |
Economy |
Industry mix - including industry importance, growth & non-growth industries, future structure |
32 |
Strategic Goods |
Markets |
Strategic goods - including all pervasive materials (e.g. crude oil) availability, price movements |
33 |
Health |
Community |
Health - including consciousness, fitness levels, obesity issues, diet regimes |
34 |
Taxation |
Government |
Taxation - including level, mix, trends, world comparisons |
35 |
Government |
World |
Government - including political ideologies, progress of democracy, emergence of regional & world governments, taxation levels |
36 |
Inflation |
Economy |
Inflation - including overall inflation, CPI (and components) |
37 |
Population |
Community |
Population - including size, growth & composition of population, geographic concentration (city vs. rural vs. coastal) |
38 |
Intellectual Property |
National Resources |
Intellectual Property - including innovation (e.g. business, government, universities), R&D spending, IP protection mechanisms |
39 |
Availability |
Finance |
Availability - including equity & debt, capital sources (e.g. banks, share markets, venture capital) |
40 |
Government |
Markets |
Government - including government spending at federal, state & local level, type of spending by function |
41 |
National Savings |
Economy |
National savings - including levels of distribution (e.g. household, business, government) |
42 |
Enterprise |
World's Best Practice - including world's best practice at functional level of enterprises (e.g. HR, governance, R&D) |
43 |
Age Structure |
Community |
Age structure - including cohorts, generations, ageing issues & challenges |
44 |
Exchange Rates |
Finance |
Exchange rates - including changes in exchange rates between countries, key trading & investment nations |
45 |
Returns |
Finance |
Returns - comparative investment performance, share market, property, industry trusts, cash, gold, housing, overseas share market |
46 |
Wages |
Labour |
Wages - including growth, by industry, by gender, by occupation |
47 |
Forests |
National Resources |
Forests - including stock (native, plantation), reforestation, tropical rainforests & protection, logging |
48 |
Regulation |
Government |
Regulation - including trends in business regulation at the state & federal level, impact |
49 |
Personal Savings |
Community |
Personal savings - including total, compulsory (superannuation levy), voluntary |
50 |
Communications |
World |
Communications - freedom of speech, changing media mix, media ownership & concentration, Internet, broadband connectivity & speed |
51 |
Current Account |
Economy |
Current account - including deficit (% of GDP), components (e.g. trade, income), foreign debt |
52 |
Debt |
Community |
Debt - including total household debt, mortgage debt, other debt (e.g. loans, credit cards) |
53 |
Investment Flows |
Finance |
Investment flows - including foreign & domestic capital flows |
54 |
Incomes |
Community |
Incomes - including income levels, growth components, distribution (polarisation) |
55 |
Budget |
Government |
Budget - including budgets & performance to budget across federal & state |
56 |
Immigration |
Community |
Immigration - including growth, origin by country/region, impact, existing & future ethnicity |
57 |
Federalism |
Government |
Federalism - the changing role of national & state governments |
58 |
Unemployment |
Labour |
Unemployment - including level, change, location (states), age structure, youth unemployment, length of employment |
59 |
Performance |
Finance |
Performance - including liquidity, interest cover, EVA, ROSF |
60 |
Industrial |
Markets |
Industrial - including distribution trends, logistics |
61 |
Wealth |
Community |
Wealth - including total, growth, gross vs. net wealth, components of wealth by asset (category), polarisation |
62 |
Consumption |
Economy |
Consumption - including household & government consumption components |
63 |
Tourism |
National Resources |
Tourism - including topographic resources for tourism (e.g. beaches, tropical forests, the outback, eco-tourism) |
64 |
Working Conditions |
Labour |
Working conditions - including OH&S issues, working from home (part or full-time), wage-related conditions (e.g. leave, holidays) |
65 |
Housing |
Economy |
Housing - including investment by type (e.g. housing, apartments, alterations & additions), by purpose (e.g. owner-occupier, investor) |
66 |
Expenditure |
Community |
Expenditure - including distribution of household expenditure, health expenditure, gambling |
67 |
Security |
World |
Security - including regional & global pacts, role of UN, role of US, Australian pacts & treaties, contribution to regional defence & safety |
68 |
Fishing |
National Resources |
Fishing - including stocks (e.g. ocean), aquaculture, pearling, over-fishing (domestic or international operators), pollution |
69 |
Generations |
Labour |
Generations - including workforce by generation, & their attitudes & behaviors towards work |
70 |
Hours of Work |
Labour |
Hours of work - including full time, casual, part-time, etc. |
71 |
Consumer |
Markets |
Consumer - including household spending, locations (e.g. retail, online), composition, etc. |
72 |
Mix |
Enterprise |
Mix - including the changing importance & role of large, medium & small enterprises, etc. |
73 |
War/Terrorism |
World |
War/Terrorism - including civil wars, ethnic conflicts, terrorism, nuclear capabilities, war, rogue states, international judicial apparatus |
74 |
Auditing |
Finance |
Auditing - including good governance, internal & external auditing, etc. |
75 |
Disease |
World |
Disease - including human & animal-originated pandemics (e.g. SARS, Bird Flu, BSE), malaria & other eradicable diseases |
76 |
Crime |
Community |
Crime - including incidence of crime, world comparisons, prison population, efficacy of judicial system, rehabilitation |
77 |
Drugs |
Community |
Drugs - including drug use, availability, addiction, rehabilitation |
78 |
Old Sectors |
Industry |
Old sectors - including future of agriculture (<3% of GDP), manufacturing (heading for just 7% of GDP from 30% in 1960) |
79 |
Imports |
Markets |
Imports - including mix, availability, price movements of imported materials & finished goods, equipment, machinery, etc. |
80 |
Government |
Enterprise |
Government - including the future role (if any) of GBEs (Government Business Enterprises), etc. |
81 |
Use of Time |
Community |
Use of time - including changing use of time (e.g. work, leisure), leisure activities, etc. |
82 |
Defence |
Government |
Defence - including funding, manpower, equipping, structure, alliances, effectiveness, flexibility, etc. |
83 |
Contractualism |
Labour |
Contractualism - employee concept to contracted services (i.e. turning the employer-employee relationship into a b2b relationship) |
84 |
Local |
Markets |
Local - including mix, availability, price movements of locally sourced inputs, etc. |
85 |
Subsidies |
Government |
Subsidies - including efficient use of subsidies, welfare & relief to business & individuals, etc. |
86 |
Outsourcing |
Services |
Outsourcing - outsourced functions & activities, supply arrangements, pricing issues, documentation & negotiation issues |
87 |
Disasters |
World |
Disasters - natural disasters, nuclear plant meltdowns, major chemical disasters, water source contamination |
88 |
Derivatives |
Finance |
Derivatives - including hedge funds, futures markets, company risk, national risks, etc. |
89 |
Marketing |
Markets |
Marketing - including changing mix of marketing (e.g. above & below line advertising expenditure), direct marketing |
90 |
Subcontracting |
Services |
Subcontracting - including the difference between outsourcing & subcontracting, onshore & offshore subcontracting, etc. |
91 |
Family Formation |
Community |
Family formation - including marriages, separations, divorces, etc. |
92 |
Households |
Community |
Households - including number, growth, composition, etc. |
93 |
Religion |
World |
Religion - including major religions, radicalism/fundamentalism/extremism, role in economy & welfare of nations, etc. |
94 |
Parties |
Government |
Parties - including parties in power (state and federal), platforms, performance, etc. |
95 |
Ideologies |
Government |
Ideologies - including socialism, capitalism, humanism, rationalism, environmentalism, etc. |
96 |
Sport |
Community |
Sport - including participation levels, types of sport, etc. |
97 |
Unionism |
Labour |
Unionism - including levels, direction, disposition of union membership, etc. |
98 |
Franchising |
Services |
Franchising - including the growth & disposition of franchising, legal issues, etc. |
99 |
Republic |
Government |
Republic - the importance & consequences of becoming a republic, etc. |
100 |
Religious Adherence |
Community |
Religious adherence - including religious affiliations, practicing vs. nominal, etc. |
CEDA provided a brief submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee’s Inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia. CEDA’s submission draws on the findings and recommendations of our previous housing work, including: a paper on Housing Mobility and Labour Mobility that formed part of CEDA’s submission to the Employment White Paper; and a chapter on housing policy in CEDA’s 2023 Economic and Policy Outlook.
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