In 1975 CEDA explored Australia's Federation in the report Fiscal Federalism - Some Problems and Options.
This research paper analysed the federal structure of Australia, provided alternative policies for the fiscal Commonwealth-state relationship and discussed alternative approaches to sharing personal income tax.
In the following extract of the report, CEDA put forward policies to address the issues of the time, including the re-allocation of responsibilities for the areas of education and health. Read more from Fiscal Federalism - Some Problems and Options.
Read about CEDA's 2014 report A Federation for the 21st Century.
Read more Agribusiness December 30, 1985
In 1982 CEDA released a report which looked at the mechanics of corporate income tax.
Read more Agribusiness August 3, 1981In 1981, about a decade before superannuation became compulsory in Australia, CEDA released an information paper titled Superannuation – at what cost?
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