PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians

Progress 2050


2013 Big Issues survey results

Results of the CEDA/Business Spectator Big Issues survey for 2013 show that priority areas for the Federal Government should be enhancing productivity, competitiveness and innovation and taxation reform.

Results of the CEDA/Business Spectator Big Issues survey for 2013 reveal that priority areas for the Federal Government should be enhancing productivity, competitiveness and innovation and taxation reform.

More than 70 per cent of respondents agreed tax reform should happen in the first term of the new Federal Government and that priorities should be broadening the GST and reducing the tax rates for low income workers to encourage more people to work.

The top priorities to increase innovation were by providing tax breaks for innovative practices and by providing incentives to universities to work more closely with industry.

More than 68 per cent of respondents said automotive industry assistance should be lowered or removed completely, with the majority falling into the latter category.

Other key results were:

  • Priorities for improving Australia's international competitiveness should be enhancing workforce capability through education and training and reducing red tape.
  • The biggest hindrance to delivery of adequate transport infrastructure is the lack of long-term planning and commitment by government, followed by the politicisation of the infrastructure process.
  • More than 87 per cent of respondents agree that there needs to be better clarity about which levels of government are responsible for services and if reform of the Federation is undertaken, reducing overlap and duplication between levels of government should be the number one priority, followed by reviewing how revenue is allocated to the states and territories.
  • Priorities for improving Australia's workforce capabilities should be developing a national overarching strategy for education, from early childhood through to tertiary education and a targeted strategy to align skills and training with long-term workforce needs, respectively.

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