PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
Robust social infrastructure is essential for the good of our society and the growth of our economy, yet without adequate investment, rising demand from our ageing and growing population will not only cause drastic social and health problems but impact our future prosperity as well, writes Executive General Manager of Social Infrastructure at Australian Unity Ryan Banting.
Australia has a serious undersupply of the social infrastructure that is needed to support the wellbeing of our communities.
Whether it’s in aged care, student accommodation, childcare, specialist disability accommodation, retirement living or hospitals – we fall short on many fronts.
Robust social infrastructure is essential for the good of our society and the growth of our economy, yet without adequate investment, rising demand from our ageing and growing population will not only cause drastic social and health problems but impact our future prosperity as well.
It’s clear we need structural change to ensure we have the facilities and services that support the health of our communities. This will enable healthy economies where we all have the opportunity to thrive – now and into the future.
There’s no magic formula for solving the infrastructure funding gap. The financing arrangements for such projects are varied and depend on the mix and relative cost of debt and equity financing. This, in turn, depends on the risk profile of different projects, along with the composition and risk appetite of prospective investors.
Government has had and will continue to play a vital role in financing and delivering critical health and aged care services. But it can’t do it alone.
Private investment, particularly from the pools of institutional money tied up in our capital markets, also has a critical role to play.
However, to realise the opportunity for private capital, investing in social infrastructure must be about more than a blank cheque and the hope of good returns.
Instead, it’s about getting the most out of value-aligned capital partnerships to ensure participants are incentivised to invest in long-term development and delivery relationships.
We see a solution that embraces and includes the important views and experience from industry, government, investors and capital partners, planners, operators, contractors, and health and medical research to face into the challenges ahead of us. Together, by taking a broader and longer-term view, we can get this sector into a shape that shifts the dial on community wellbeing and boosts Australia’s productivity.
The business case for investing in social infrastructure sector is compelling: strong macroeconomic drivers (education and childcare) and macro-demographic drivers (accommodation and living); bi-partisan government support; and favourable supply and demand dynamics. However, the sector is not without its challenges. For example:
Successful, fit-for-purpose social infrastructure relies on workforce, technology, service delivery, good system design and the built-form.
In an investment portfolio, it doesn’t need to be a separate asset class, but rather a lens for robust due diligence and to help determine appropriate asset allocation and portfolio construction decisions for assets that are in high demand across our communities.
While the investment proposition is strong, measuring the impact of social infrastructure investment extends beyond capital growth or the regular income it provides.
Investors are increasingly using risk-adjusted returns to make ‘initial screen’ investment decisions but more and more they are seeking measures of impact in deciding where to put their money.
When we invest in good, shared places and precincts we can build communities, we can increase wellbeing, we can build connections and we can build places that make people feel better.
It’s one of the reasons that Australian Unity developed our Community & Social Value framework. Established in 2021 with social impact specialists Social Ventures Australia, we can now measure the tangible social and community impacts our investments have, above and beyond straight financial returns.
The framework is based on three key impact areas:
These areas underpin the measurement of unique social impact and inform Australian Unity’s investment in its business decisions, such as our investment in social infrastructure.
Addressing Australia’s social infrastructure needs is essential to support the growth of our economy and the future wellbeing of our communities. But getting it right relies on the coordination of workforce, technology, service delivery and system design.
With a 180-year history of delivering products and services to improve the wellbeing of Australians, Australian Unity doing all we can to give Australian communities access to the social infrastructure they need and deserve.
Over the past few years, we’ve become all too aware that we don’t have enough homes in New South Wales. The ABS reports that residential rents in Sydney – the best barometer of housing affordability – rose 8.6 per cent over the 12 months to September 2023. For those struggling with the cost of keeping a roof over their heads, there seems to be little relief in sight. Earlier this month, the NSW Productivity Commission published the latest report in our housing series, What we gain by building more homes in the right places. We show that ‘building up’ rather than ‘out’ also has economic, social and environmental benefits, writes Peter Achterstraat AM, NSW Productivity Commissioner.
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