The Front Project CEO, Jane Hunt, discusses recent research conducted with KPMG that shows enhancing the Child Care Subsidy would support working families and provide an urgently needed boost to the economy.
Jane Hunt is the founding CEO at The Front Project. She has won a number of awards for her work, including the Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur Award in 2012, granting her an ongoing seat at World Economic Forum events, the Victorian Telstra Business Women’s Award in 2011 and the Melbourne Business 3000 Award for Community Innovation in 2010. Jane is currently a Non-Executive Director of Unison Community Housing and has held senior roles in the for-benefit sector, including CEO of Adopt Change and prior to that the Inaugural Chief Executive Officer of Fitted for Work. Jane was also the Victorian Strategy and Operations Manager for Mission Australia, and has had senior experience across for-benefit, corporate and academic sectors.
In the international study National income and trust, Professor Markus Brueckner looked at the intricate link between a nation’s economic prosperity and the trust harboured by its citizens. The paper found that increases in GDP per capita significantly increased trust. Specifically, estimates showed that a one per cent increase in GDP per capita led to an increase of about one percentage point in the likelihood that a person would become trustful.
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