Older, bigger, slower growing, more diverse. Living standards at risk of going backwards. These were the key takeaways from the latest Federal Intergenerational Report (IGR), writes Dr Liz Allen. The intergenerational bargain or contract, which implicitly suggests that the country handed to each subsequent generation is the same, if not better, than the socioeconomic conditions enjoyed previously, has been eroded. Increasing or maintaining living standards can no longer be guaranteed. Australia’s dumb luck has run out.
In the international study National income and trust, Professor Markus Brueckner looked at the intricate link between a nation’s economic prosperity and the trust harboured by its citizens. The paper found that increases in GDP per capita significantly increased trust. Specifically, estimates showed that a one per cent increase in GDP per capita led to an increase of about one percentage point in the likelihood that a person would become trustful.
Read more Opinion article July 10, 2023A systems approach requires us to have a wider lens on the interconnectedness of our systems and act accordingly. For the clean-energy transition, at a minimum, that means recognising biodiversity is just as important to our climate as reducing emissions, and reducing emissions won’t be achieved without addressing inequity in our current systems, writes Professor Ingrid Burkett.
Read more Opinion article September 18, 2022Today Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making decisions that affect many aspects of our everyday lives. If AI technologies are not applied within an ethical framework, a lack of trust will slow down or halt the adoption of AI and delay the productivity benefits that it can offer, writes Dr. Rahil Garnavi, Data & AI Lead @ Centre for Applied Research, IBM Consulting.