PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
Older, bigger, slower growing, more diverse. Living standards at risk of going backwards. These were the key takeaways from the latest Federal Intergenerational Report (IGR), writes Dr Liz Allen. The intergenerational bargain or contract, which implicitly suggests that the country handed to each subsequent generation is the same, if not better, than the socioeconomic conditions enjoyed previously, has been eroded. Increasing or maintaining living standards can no longer be guaranteed. Australia’s dumb luck has run out.
Laura Stewart from RPS writes that social value should be the key reason to invest in and deliver infrastructure.
Read more Opinion article November 7, 2021CEDA Senior Economist Melissa Wilson discusses research that shows how improving management practices in Australia could significantly boost productivity.
Read more Opinion article April 21, 2020University of Sydney United States Studies Centre Trade and Investment Program Director, Dr Stephen Kirchner, says that the COVID-19 crisis emphasises the link between Australia's global integration and productivity growth. As such, he argues that re-establishing Australia's international connectedness after the crisis should be a key priority for policymakers.
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