PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
CEDA first proposed a rise in the pension age to 67 in an information paper by Dr David Knox, Pensions for Longer Life: Linking Australia's pension age with life expectancy (2007). CEDA's chief executive David Byers said the federal budget decision to increase the pension age not only reflected how the world is changing, but will boost the economy, encourage more people in the workforce and ease the tax bill that Australians will have to pay in the years ahead.
Media release issued Wednesday, 13 May 2009
The decision in last night's federal budget to raise the pension age to 67 is a sensible response to long-term demographic trends, according to CEDA (the Committee for Economic Development of Australia).
CEDA first proposed a rise in the pension age to 67 in an information paper by Dr David Knox, Pensions for Longer Life: Linking Australia's pension age with life expectancy (2007).
CEDA's chief executive, David Byers said increasing the pension age not only reflected how the world is changing, but will boost the economy, encourage more people in the workforce and ease the tax bill that Australians will have to pay in the years ahead.
"CEDA welcomes this first move towards a system that responds to changing realities and alters the preconception about when you are 'too old' to work."
Report author Dr David Knox, a Worldwide Partner at Mercer, said it was very pleasing to see the government had recognised the need to increase the pension age in light of our increasing life expectancy.
"The pension age of 65 had not changed for 100 years and was no longer sustainable," he said.
"I would also advocate that the pension age needs to be reviewed on a regular basis, as suggested by the Henry Tax Review Panel; we should not wait another 100 years."
With one in five Australians experiencing mental illness each year, governments, business and the public need to prioritise mental-health reform, says University of Melbourne Professorial Fellow, Professor Allan Fels.
Read more Health | Ageing April 27, 2015Ignoring mental health is costing Australian businesses $48.9 billion per year* due to costs associated with unemployment, days of absence, reduced labour income as well as time off for staff to care for someone, said Western Australia Mental Health Commissioner, Tim Marney.
Read more Health | Ageing April 5, 2014The eradication of Polio in India has inspired hope that extreme poverty can be eradicated by 2030, Global Poverty Project, Global Policy and Advocacy Manager, Michael Sheldrick has told a CEDA leadership forum on Transformative ideas in the 21st Century in Perth.
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