The Palmer United Party will focus on getting the right economic policies for Australia’s future prosperity, its leader Clive Palmer has told a CEDA audience in Canberra.
Opening CEDA’s State of the Nation forum, Prime Minister the Hon. Scott Morrison announced details of the Federal Government’s Jobmaker plan, including increased spending on infrastructure and major projects and a reduction in Commonwealth approval times, and called for Australia to resume what CEDA’s founder Sir Douglas Copland referred to as “the adventure of growth".
Read more Economy October 24, 2017The predominant number of international visitors that will come to our country between now and the year 2020 will come from the north of us, Tourism Australia Managing Director, John O’Sullivan said at a CEDA event on tourism in Brisbane.
Read more Economy December 7, 2015Addressing tax evasion, the critical importance of innovation, education and skills, and opportunities for services industries have been highlighted in CEDA’s 2015 Big Issues survey as key drivers in improving the Australian economy.
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