PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
CEDA together with Siemens leads a discussion on intelligent infrastructure in Adelaide - from reliable, economic and efficient power infrastructure to smart buildings to efficient traffic systems and driverless cars. The event will bring together international thought leaders, including Dr Roland Busch to provide insight on the potential productivity gains that can be delivered through intelligent infrastructure.
“A lot of companies have CSRs – corporate social responsibilities…It’s a good combination of words: responsibility is good, social is good, but what it stands for is being used the wrong way in so many different places. It’s used as a check-box,” Chobani Founder and Chief Executive Officer Hamdi Ulukaya has told a CEDA audience in Sydney.
Read more Built environment | Urban Planning | Cities June 20, 2017Demand side policies, such as increasing grants to first home buyers or allowing access to superannuation, are “band-aid solutions that might be politically popular in the short-term but will be ineffective in the long-run,” University of Sydney Associate Professor, Dr Judith Yates has told a CEDA audience.
Read more Built environment | Urban Planning | Cities October 31, 2012The housing affordability squeeze in both the rental and ownership markets is forcing more Australians to share their homes - reversing a 100-year trend, a CEDA forum in Adelaide has heard.
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