PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians
2016 has been one of the most successful years in CEDA's 56 year history. Seven hundred and fifty members from Australia's leading businesses, organisations and academic institutions attended over 300 events.
Top 10 Speeches: Disruption and innovation 2011-2016In 2016, CEDA celebrates five years of engaging and forward-thinking speeches on the CEDA stage – discussing the technologies, skills and attitudes Australia will need to embrace the fourth industrial revolution – with the release of CEDA's Top 10 Speeches: Disruption and innovation 2011-2016. Read and download CEDA's Top 10 Speeches: Disruption and innovation 2011-2016. |
Migration: the economic debateCEDA released a research report in November 2016 which examines the economic consequences of the migration program for Australia and the effectiveness of the migration program itself. This policy perspective examines what changes in public policy with respect to the migration program are necessary to sustain its contribution to Australia’s economic development and social cohesion and to maintain community support. |
VET: securing skills for growthCEDA released a research report in August 2016, which examines the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in meeting the skills required for Australia's growth. CEDA’s major report for 2016, Australia's economic future: an agenda for growth, presents a range of policy reforms that an incoming government of either persuasion could adopt. These reforms have been chosen to address the current economic and social challenges of Australia and are designed to kick-start a surge in improving economic conditions. |
Australia's economic future: an agenda for growthReleased on 14 June 2016, CEDA's major research report examines how to repair Australia's economic structures and drive a growth agenda.
Read and download Australia's economic future: an agenda for growth. |
Deficit to balance: budget repair optionsDeficit to balance: budget repair options provides an assessment and model revenue and expenditure policies to recommend a menu of options to bring the Federal budget into balance. This report sets out why CEDA decided to tackle this issue, its urgency and the process adopted by the Balanced Budget Commission in developing the menu of options for repairing the Federal Budget. Read and download Deficit to balance: budget repair options. |
Economic and political overview 2016CEDA's 2016 Economic and Political Overview (EPO) provides economic and political insights and also examines Australian international competitiveness, challenges and opportunities for Australian businesses and sustainable productivity growth. Read and download CEDA's 2016 Economic and Political Overview. |
Regional development in Western AustraliaReleased on 8 June 2016, the Regional development in Western Australia publication presents the culmination of the State of the Regions event series, providing key insights from the series along with overarching actions to help ensure Western Australia’s Regions continue to thrive and prosper. Regional development in Western Australia draws together information discussed at each of the State of the Regions events and provides a snapshot of the WA regions, opportunities and barriers to growth and overarching actions to ensure growth in the regions continues. Read and download Regional development in Western Australia. |
Changes to superannuationTreasurer the Hon. Scott Morrison's superannuation package was approved on 23 November 2016, with most changes to take effect on 1 July 2017. This Information Paper looks at the incoming changes and how they will affect superannuation fund members. CEDA's final information paper for 2016 discusses:
Constitution reformThis two-part information paper outlines the complexities of making Constitutional reform in Australia. It comes on the back of the Turnbull Government’s goal to seek Constitutional recognition for Indigenous Australians before May 2017. The information paper discusses:
TPP Agreement explainedThe release of TPP Agreement explained follows the February 2016 signing of the proposed agreement. The paper discusses the pros and cons of the free trade agreement, the likelihood the agreement will be ratified, and what Australian's can expect to see from here. CEDA's second information paper of 2016 outlines:
Brexit explainedFollowing the referendum on the United Kingdom's continued membership of the European Union, CEDA's first information paper for 2016, Brexit explained discusses:
CEDA is saddened to hear of the passing of former long-time employee Noel Claire Morgan.
Read more Agribusiness March 19, 2015CEDA is saddened to hear of the passing of former prime minister the Rt Hon. Malcolm Fraser AC.
Read more Agribusiness July 31, 2012Speech delivered by Professor the Hon Stephen Martin at the Export Council of Australia/Shipping Australia Limited Seminar: Building competitiveness in our export and maritime industries on Friday 24
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