PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians

Progress 2050


CEDA CEO update: 10 August 2020

In the last week, despite the turmoil of lockdown in Victoria and border closures, the pace of discussions and range of national economic issues we have been tackling at CEDA has been a highlight and reminder of why we do what we do.

Through media interviews we have been tackling issues from supply chains to pandemic leave. I appeared on ABC The Business on Tuesday and ABC The Drum on Thursday, while CEDA Chief Economist Jarrod Ball appeared on ABC 7.30 Wednesday talking about supply chains and our WA based National Chairman, Diane Smith-Gander appeared in The Australian commenting on the COVID reform opportunity, including in IR, and how to ensure National Cabinet continues to deliver, inline with CEDA’s paper out last week on Australia’s Federation: post-pandemic playbook.
Our national conversations on key economic and policy issues are also continuing through our livestreams, podcasts and blogs. We have locked in some great speakers for upcoming events (see below under watch) including ANU Chancellor, the Hon. Julie Bishop. Recently, Jarrod and I had a great conversation with our US based counterpart Joseph Minarik from the CED on what is happening in the US and other interesting issues, including reactions to ‘that’ Jonathan Swan interview (more information below under listen). 
Watch: We have confirmed a new date for our flagship event, the CEDA Copland Lecture, with ANU Chancellor, the Hon. Julie Bishop. This hybrid event will be held on Friday 16 October from Perth. Ms Bishop will be speaking on strategic and ethical leadership in a time of change and disruption, providing insights from her engagement with leaders around the world and through times of disruption. You can register for the livestream here and tickets for the face-to-face event will be available shortly.
In addition, there is still time to register for these livestreams coming up with high profile speakers:
A livestream on A new technology roadmap – from what to how will be on Thursday 27 August and will examine Australia’s future energy mix and how the current disruption may drive new investment for critical technologies as the nation focuses on economic recovery. Register here.
Participants include:
  • Siemens Energy Australia Pacific Region, CEO Michael Bielinski
  • Star Scientific Founder and CEO, Andrew Horvath
  • Clean Energy Finance Corporation CEO, Ian Learmonth.
Australia’s defence future, on Wednesday, 19 August with Federal Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon. Linda Reynolds and Federal Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon. Melissa Price. Register here.
Queensland State of the State
We have a hybrid event locked in with the Queensland Premier, the Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk for a Queensland State of the State on Thursday 20 August. Register for the livestream here.
Economic update
On Wednesday 26 August, NAB Group Chief Economist, Alan Oster will present an economic update. Register here.
Border Force
We have also just added an event with Australian Border Force Commissioner, Michael Outram APM, on Supporting our recovery through strong border management, on Thursday, 10 September. Register here.
Listen: As mentioned above, out today on the CEDA podcast is my discussion with US based the Committee for Economic Development (CED) of The Conference Board, Senior Vice President and Director of Research, Joseph Minarik. The CED is part of CEDA’s international partner network, and we had a very interesting discussion on the constantly changing attitudes towards the virus in the US, the difficulties that come with health care issues becoming highly politicised, and what this means for a country heading into what might be the most important election in US history.
Read: Up today we have two new pieces. The first is Setting Australia’s infrastructure policies in the right direction, written by Deloitte Partner, Luke Houghton, discussing the findings of Global Infrastructure Hub's InfraCompass 2020 report. It highlights the ways in which Australia can reduce the barriers to investment, improve performance and encourage greater investment in quality infrastructure. He says that while Australia is among the world leaders on indicators such as planning and transparent public procurement, we should take steps to reduce investment uncertainty to improve our performance.  
The second is The impact of COVID-19 on community sport, by Australian Sports Foundation CEO, Patrick Walker, discussing the crisis that has been quietly unfolding at a community sport level and the likely impact.
As always, a big thank you to our renewing members this week, who help make it possible for us to keep tackling the issues of most importance to Australia.
Renewing state members
Australian Energy Market Commission (NSW)
Defence SA (SA)
Fortescue Metals Group (WA)
Jemena (VIC)
MercyCare (WA)
Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QLD)
From next week, watch out for updates from members of CEDA’s Leadership Team on their programs and priorities for the months ahead. Until then, stay safe.
Melinda Cilento


About CEDA

CEDA – the Committee for Economic Development of Australia – is an independent, not-for-profit membership organisation.

We identify policy issues that matter for Australia’s future. We work to drive policies that deliver better economic, social and environmental outcomes for Australia. We deliver on our purpose by: Leveraging insights from our members to identify and understand the most important issues Australia faces. Facilitating collaboration and idea sharing to invoke imaginative, innovative and progressive policy solutions. Providing a platform to stimulate thinking, raise new ideas and debate critical and challenging issues. Influencing decision makers in government, business and the community by delivering objective information and expert analysis and advocating in support of our positions. CEDA's membership spans every state and territory and includes Australia's leading businesses, community organisations, government departments and academic institutions. The organisation was founded in 1960 by leading economist Sir Douglas Copland, and his legacy of applying economic analysis to practical problems to aid the development of Australia continues as we celebrate 60 years of influence, reform and impact across the nation.;