PROGRESS 2050: Toward a prosperous future for all Australians

Progress 2050

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CEDA’s founder Sir Douglas Copland set up the organisation in 1960 with a purpose to harness the ideas and influence of leading thinkers from business, government, community and academia. Its purpose remains unchanged. Today CEDA continues to deliver leading thinking, informed discourse and rigorous research to influence good public policy for Australia’s economic and social development.

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CEDA opinion articles republishing guidelines

CEDA’s founder Sir Douglas Copland set up the organisation in 1960 with a purpose to harness the ideas and influence of leading thinkers from business, government, community and academia. Its purpose remains unchanged. Today CEDA continues to deliver leading thinking, informed discourse and rigorous research to influence good public policy for Australia’s economic and social development.

Under Creative Commons, the CEDA opinion articles is an open source for people to republish, read, interact with and analyse the key issues facing Australia. CEDA welcomes you to republish our articles online and in print for free.

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