Following the much-anticipated release of the Garnaut Climate Change Review's Final Report, Professor Garnaut spoke to CEDA in Sydney on 3 October 2008. [CEDA event]
Professor Ross Garnaut spoke to CEDA in Sydney on 3rd of October 2008 on Australia as a low emissions economy.
He outlined the shape of a future low-emissions economy for Australia following the much-anticipated release of the Garnaut Climate Change Review's Final Report at the end of September 2008.
Drawing on findings from the Final Report - informed by one of the most ambitious and complex economic modelling projects ever undertaken in Australia - Professor Garnaut spoke about the nature of future structural change across the economy with comprehensive mitigation policies in place.
For more information and publications from the Garnaut Climate Change Review, visit the Review's website.
CEDA's Climate Change - Getting it Right report promotes a risk management approach to climate change - achieving reductions in emissions through markets, carbon pricing and investment in low emissions technologies, while preserving economic growth. [Research and Policy article - Full content is only available to CEDA members]
Read more Climate | Environment | Emissions Reduction October 30, 2009CEDA's continuing mission is to promote intelligent analysis and vigorous debate on our biggest global challenges. The report aims to stimulate a better understanding of climate change issues. In particular, Robert Shapiro's paper examines the two most prominent strategies for reducing greenhouse gases: a carbon tax and cap-and-trade.
Read more Climate | Environment | Emissions Reduction October 30, 2009Carbon tax - a genuine alternative to cap-and-trade: New modelling shows carbon tax would have less impact on GDP and more impact on reducing emissions than cap-and-trade. [Research and Policy article]
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