Clint O'Brien, Associate Director, Membership, CEDA; Emeritus Professor Robin Batterham, Emeritus Professor and Chair of Net Zero Australia Steering Committee, University of Melbourne; Katherin Domansky, Independent Steering Committee Member; Simon Smart, Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland and Richard Bolt, Principal, Nous Group
Debby Blakey, Chief Executive Officer, HESTA; Ian Learmonth, Chief Executive Officer, Clean Energy Finance Corporation; Brian Restall, Senior Director and Head of Investments, Australia, Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners and Andrew Barker, Senior Economist, CEDA
Ashleigh Morris, Chief Executive and Founder, Coreo and Meredith England, Director of Systems Innovation, Climate-KIC Australia
Emeritus Professor Robin Batterham, Emeritus Professor and Chair of Net Zero Australia Steering Committee, University of Melbourne; Katherin Domansky, Independent Steering Committee Member; Simon Smart, Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland and Richard Bolt, Principal, Nous Group