Opinion articles


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APRIL 2024

Brisbane 2032: The long-term economic effects of investing in Olympics infrastructure

Despite optimistic estimates before the event, few host cities have experienced a sustained increase in tourism after holding the Games. This is, however, a point on which the Brisbane games may differ, writes Professor John Quiggin.

Skills shortage threatens Australia’s future prosperity

Australia has ambitious plans for the future of public and private infrastructure, yet we do not have the people and skills to turn that vision into a reality, writes David Simpson, Chief Executive Transport, The APP Group.
MARCH 2024

Australia must make better use of migrants’ skills

While politicians debate the size of Australia’s current migration intake, many employers are still struggling to find the workers they need amid low unemployment and persistent skills shortages. One way to address these shortages is to make better use of the skills of migrants already in the country, writes CEDA Graduate Economist Sebastian Tofts-Len and CEDA Senior Economist Andrew Barker.

Defining “well-located” homes: how the Housing Accord can deliver on its promise

It’s been more than a year since the Federal Government’s Housing Accord was announced, and while the housing crisis worsens, we are none the wiser on what a “well-located home”, as set out in the accord, actually is. Clearly and publicly defining “well-located” housing will be a key step to help us achieve the lofty task of building 1.2 million new homes, writes CEDA Economist James Brooks.

The mental health toll of Australia’s low-quality rental housing

CEDA analysis has found an alarming 38 per cent of private renters report their housing circumstance has a negative effect on their mental health, compared with 23 per cent of owner-occupiers. As the number of Australians renting continue to rise, we must do more to tackle these challenges and improve tenants’ quality of life, writes Tanvi Pappu.

Invest in the invisible: Well-connected freight to improve productivity and

There is a big task ahead to futureproof the freight system for a more productive, resilient and sustainable Australia. There needs to be a long-term, cohesive effort by governments and industry to get this right. Government’s role is to make targeted infrastructure investments and to create the right policy settings, so that industry has the confidence to invest in the right operations, writes WSP's Sam Potts and Jim Hirst.

Australian share buybacks have soared to $36bn. Is this the best use of companies’

ASX 200 companies have spent more than $36 billion on share buybacks over the last three years, new CEDA analysis has found, as firms prioritised returns to shareholders despite the need for key long-term investments. 

COP28: success or cop-out?

The COP28 United Nations climate conference, held a few months ago in Dubai, is being heralded as a historic achievement by some and a ‘cop out’ by others. One of the key takeaways from COP28 is the need to bridge the divides that currently exist – from geopolitical to geographic differences. The unequal impacts of climate change on regions like the Pacific Islands cannot be ignored if we are to address the problem with a truly global approach. There is also a clear divide that needs to be negotiated between resources-based economies and energy importers, writes Kellie Charlesworth, Arup’s Australasia Energy Transition Lead.

The economic, social and environmental benefits of building up rather than out

Over the past few years, we’ve become all too aware that we don’t have enough homes in New South Wales. The ABS reports that residential rents in Sydney – the best barometer of housing affordability – rose 8.6 per cent over the 12 months to September 2023. For those struggling with the cost of keeping a roof over their heads, there seems to be little relief in sight. Earlier this month, the NSW Productivity Commission published the latest report in our housing series, What we gain by building more homes in the right places. We show that ‘building up’ rather than ‘out’ also has economic, social and environmental benefits, writes Peter Achterstraat AM, NSW Productivity Commissioner.
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